It's been a while and inspiration has been lacking whilst we've stayed indoors but that is the case no more.
The fabulous Christal from I Organise Manchester is here to share her latest interests. I love to follow her on Insta because she shares some amazing tips for how to sort your ish out. She's also been to my house and helped me IRL (I know, SO amazing!). I'm sure you'll enjoy her blog post...

Hi, Christal here - founder of I Organise Manchester, loving mama to my two boys (aged 5 & 2) and understanding partner to Simon 😉
I Organise Manchester is my decluttering and organising service that I provide across Greater Manchester, I set it up in March 2020 . The idea for IOMcr was born from necessity, my career had previously been in event management working in hospitality and latterly education but after the birth of my second child I needed a gear change. Decluttering and organising has always given me a sense of calmness, control and satisfaction, if I feel stressed or anxious focussing on an organising task always makes me feel so much better. When I started the business, I knew I would love it but I hadn't realised the huge transformative impact it would have on my client's lives. I love it when clients feedback success stories such as being able to take up a hobby again, improved family relationships, increased focus at work and rediscovered pride in their surroundings. I am always amazed by the change decluttering and organising can bring to people's lives.
This week I'm reading...At the minute I am reading Organising Solutions for People With ADHD by Susan C. Pinsky, it is absolutely fascinating and gives really simple easy to follow organising solutions, that to be honest are great for anyone who want to get organised as it keeps things simple with only 1 or 2 steps to the system. She calls it getting things done fast and sufficiently over painstakingly and perfectly.
Watching...I am watching a Handmaid's Tale, it is really dark and weird but with everything going on in today's crazy world I can almost imagine it happening. It is based on the book by Margaret Atwood (published in 1985) it is about a totalitarian state who have overthrown the US Government, infertility is high so fertile women are captured and used for procreation purposes. It is as disturbing as it sounds
Listening to...A fantastic playlist by my gorgeous friend @Ladyandthelaserbeam, it is an eclectic selection of classics spanning loads of genres of ska, old school, rock, dance. Honestly you should check it out on spotify, it is called All emotions are beautiful but happiness is the best by Jody Appleton.
Stalking...I am loving @Luinluland on insta, I went on a fantastic @freshwalks networking walk for women recently hosted by Katya @easyinstamcr and one of the other women had one of her slogan sweaters on which read "I am a ray of Fucking Sunshine!" Love it!!! Anyway Lu is totally bonkers and her stories are well worth a watch, she is English but lived in the states and is currently back in England touring the country, she has fab reels and ramblings to camera. I highly recommend.
Talking about...All the school kids having to isolate all of the time! We are home schooling this week, I am just so grateful that Enzo takes it all in his stride and that the sun has been out. I am also so grateful that working for myslef allows me so much flexibility, I know others have it much worse. I am also talking about my 40th Birthday Party I am planning for November, if it can go ahead it will be amazing to get everyone together!
Wondering...Where to go for a weekend away, it was meant to be my cousins wedding coming up but due to restrictions it has been postponed. We are considering Ilkley or Matlock at the minute.
Admiring...All the wonderful women in business that I have met since setting up my own. it is such a supportive and inspiring community.
Wearing...I have had to force myself to start wearing some of my smarter clothes, I've been living in track suits and leggings as obviously they are so comfortable and they are great for when I am with the boys and for work. However, I have been conscious to get some wear out of my dresses especially in the warmer weather.
Cooking...I am really into having a substantial breakfast, it sets me up for the day. Sometimes the day can get so busy that I like a breakfast that will see me through to dinner time (I have tea at 5pm with the boys). So for me a great breakfast is a kale salad, piece of sourdough with Parma ham and a poached egg, sprinkled with toasted seeds and chilli flakes.
Drinking...Obsessed with fizzy water from my soda stream.
Looking after myself by...I have a monthly treat with @skinfitbysara who gives me a Hydr02 facial, it is amazing, my skin always looks and feels great afterwards. Plus, it is great catching up with her and the treatment room is gorgeous and always smells heavenly.
Spending my money on...Health appointments, dentist, osteopath and skin care, as I approach 40 things seem to be deteriorating!
Wishing I had money for...A full set of new teeth! I had an accident in my 20's and it damaged my teeth after having worn braces for years! That combined with other issues means I am having major problems now.
Grateful for...My loving and lovely family, the boys bring me joy (and some irritation) each and every day. My sister has recently moved home from Hong Kong and has moved around the corner which is just amazing, her boyfriend will be joining soon too and I can't wait to meet him. My partner' s brother has also just returned home from overseas and it is great having everyone back together, it makes me feel all fuzzy inside.
Working on...Growing my organising empire!
Trying to be a better person by...Being more present with my children i.e. Putting my phone away!!!