Gosh, I feel like I blinked and three quarters of the year has passed. Today's blog post has been a long time in the making but I think given how drained we're all feeling this post couldn't have come at a better time.
The lovely Laura from Pop & Punch, a children's interiors store that has me making a mental wish list longer than my arm, has filled us in on her life lately. I love to follow her on insta because not only is she gorgeous both inside and out but so is her business and house! Hopefully you'll find something that tickles your fancy...
Watching… Christmas movies, sorry, but I’m trying to get myself in the mindset to write the Christmas collection. Aside from that I got hooked on The Good Witch, I love a heart warming small town drama.
Listening to… The Great Indoors, I absolutely love Sophie Robinson & Kate Watson-Smyth, they make me giggle with the design dilemmas and their often clashing views on interior style, which to me is what design is all about.
Stalking…@mutha.hood Because Gemma’s stories basically echo my mind right now, and @coral.atkinson as she is amazing for styling the kids rooms and I love her use of colour.
Talking about… School, a scary one but my daughter will start School next September but no schools are offing tours, we moved here when I was pregnant so tours will be essential in helping us pick the right School for Pops, so our mum chat is in over drive about the schools and my mind is going at about 100 miles an hour that we may have to blindly pick a school.
Wondering…how to convince my other half that we should change the colour in the living room instead of just freshening up the current colour. He’ll moan and tell me the woodwork is my job then! I think I’m good at this though as we’ve got a huge bright coral sofa coming fro Loaf that Pop's and I chose 🤪
Admiring…the new colours I’ve just been emailed form our best selling beanbag brand, they are completely on trend and I can’t wait for my wonderful customers to see them.
Going… We’ll we’re still in the midst of a pandemic so we are trying to be sensible, but a little family day trip tomorrow to the safari park, a walk in the wood this weekend and that’s about all we have planned.
Wearing…so I should totally say I’m still loving the lockdown leggings life but I am and I was long before lockdown, all about comfort and converse over here and for me it’s all about the basic and super comfy ones from Mint Velvet.
Cooking…we love Asian flavours in our house, so on the menu this week we have pork belly miso and sesame chicken with pak choi.
Drinking…Pink Moët, seriously! I’m celebrating lots of business milestones and growth with week, so my wonderful Fiancé usually buys me a bottle when he knows I need to step back to appreciate how far I've come in the two years since Pop & Punch started, this week was definitely one of the weeks!
Looking after myself by…Sounds like a simple one, but I’m trying to be on top of my water intake, I know I get more stressed when I’m dehydrated and don’t work as well, but I’m known for working through for 6 hours without looking up from the laptop. So alarms to drink and take 5 minutes in the mini September heatwave.
Spending my money on…Can you keep a secret? We’ve booked our wedding so I’m obsessing over the most amazing shoes from Charlotte Mills. It may be a mini elopement wedding but a girl needs to have fabulous shoes.

Wishing I had money for…The wardrobe of dreams from Oliver Bonas, I’m was totally getting myself a Mustard Made locker for hanging my long dresses in but after a little fall down a big rabbit hole, I’ve fallen in love with an olive green wardrobe and basically I need it in my life…damn wedding shoes!

Working on…The Christmas collection! Yep, I should have finished it months ago but the joy that is COVID meant I haven’t had the time until now.
Trying to be a better person by…taking a deep breath before responding to people, mainly so I slow down.